Mission Statement

The Push Pops are a radical, transnational queer feminist art collective. Geared toward engendering ‘Embodied Feminism,’ Go! Push Pops employs the female body – that which is bound to a cross-cultural language of desire, signification and power – in tactical, ideological strategy. Go! Push Pops utilize gesture, exclamation and popular idiom to embody a new age discursive physicality interfacing with the ancient archetypal realm. Neo-Dada, Fluxist and Feminist, their performance work posits the body as a danger to the operation of reason and patriarchal economy of lack. A wild leap, an elusive slogan, a paroxysm of the flesh – The Push Pops reinscribe the body through participatory ritual, spontaneous performance and interactive multi-media installation.


Monday, October 7, 2013

500,000 is a Go! Push Pop performance in collaboration with Megan Welch exposing inter-military rape in the context of transnational feminism. “500,000” refers to the number of women sexually assaulted within the ranks of the U.S. Military. Inspired by Kirby Dick’s award-winning documentary Invisible War, Go! Push Pops is taking the U.S. Military’s longstanding war against women to task from the inside out. Dressed in the likeness of gender-bending officers, Go! Push Pops will lead a processional along 14th Street protesting in our embodied feminist idiom the U.S. Military’s longstanding sexually motivated violence against women.
October 19   4:00 – 7:00
Time • Duration • Location
Starting at 14th Street and Third Avenue and ending at 14th Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, in front of the Salvation Army, 120 West 14th Street.
Please check out AIOP website to see all artist and more INFO